Be Food-Savvy And Spend Less – 3 Top Tips

Be Food-Savvy And Spend Less – 3 Top Tips

Times are a bit strange for many of us. We spend much more time indoors and have more time on our hands to prepare food from scratch. Many people struggle with what kind of recipes they should try and how they can make the most 

Top Activities For Self-Isolation

Top Activities For Self-Isolation

With more countries likely to ask people to stay at home even if they don’t show any symptoms of COVID-19 how are you spending your time? Netflix and co seem to high up on the list but I am sure there are more interesting activities 

Alternatives To Wet Wipes

Alternatives To Wet Wipes

Wet wipes are seemingly an easy way to clean around the house and are everywhere. Unfortunately, they then get binned and land in landfill. Considering how many most of us use on a regular basis it is time to think about alternatives to wet wipes. 

The Best Alternatives To Plastic Toilet Brushes – 3 Options For The Eco-Conscious Household

The Best Alternatives To Plastic Toilet Brushes – 3 Options For The Eco-Conscious Household

Disclaimer: This post contains affilitate links – I will earn a commission if you buy any item. They are in most households – plastic toilet brushes. Hardly anyone likes them, they are potential germ buckets and if you have toddlers they may mistake them for 

Slow down and do more meaningful things that enrich your life

Slow down and do more meaningful things that enrich your life

In this blog, you will find ideas on how to live a more sustainable and responsible lifestyle. Our lives have become so fast-paced and it seems difficult for many to switch off and take some time to rest. Usually, that is what holidays are for 

Easy Reusable Makeup Remover Wipes

Easy Reusable Makeup Remover Wipes

Cute and practical. These reusable makeup remover wipes will help you cut down waste! When I started my Zero Waste journey and cutting down on purchases these little facial wipes were one of my first changes. I don’t actually use that many makeup remover cotton