3 Simple Mindful Activity Ideas

It is easy to get distracted by the usual to-do lists and tasks that have to be done every day or week. But sometimes you may need to take some time for yourself. A good way to do that is to chose some mindful activity ideas.
It is important to focus on yourself and your own needs at the time. Give your body and mind a break from the wants and needs of others. Find some activities that help you balance your life. Below you will find a list of my favourite mindful activity ideas to unwind from busy periods in my life.
What Are Mindful Activities?
This can be anything that disconnects you from your usual life and brings you back to yourself. You may not be used to meditation or have never tried yoga. That is ok and there is always a first time for everything. After you have tried a few mindful activity ideas you will understand better which are good for you and which you would like to pursue in your everyday life.
A Walk In Nature
You may be living in a bigger city and think but where should I go? If you are in a village or smaller city this may be easier. You may have fields close by or a forest. This was the case for me when I was living at the edge of a small village in Germany. The forest was just five minutes away. I could just go for a short walk and would be surrounded by trees and be able to listen to the wind go through them. The birds would be singing and you could even sometimes see some more wildlife.

Now that I am living in London, these walks in nature have become more precious. I sometimes cycle to a bigger park or take the train outside of London for a hike. However, it is absolutely possible to find peaceful times early mornings in most parks in London.
You may find that the small park next to your house is perfect for some walks. Or maybe there are some paths off the beaten track where you live? I have a small river behind the house and it is only used by some people to walk their dogs or go for a run. There are benches next to the river to sit down and take a rest. You may find there are more opportunities than you had thought.
A New Hobby
Maybe you always admired art and people expressing their artistic side. Have you tried drawing, painting, writing or other mindful activities? They may help you to express yourself and find inner balance. Pick up that brush and see where this journey leads you. There are so many different activities you could try, from pottery to gardening. If nothing sparks an immediate reaction you could try exploring different activities in local classes. More any more businesses are offering classes in baking, drawing, pottery or anything in between. Have a look in your local area to find out what classes are being offered in your area.

Another mindful activity idea which you might want to try is mediation. There are self-guided meditation courses you can take with the help of apps such as Calm. Sometimes there are taster sessions you can try for free. My mobile phone provider currently offers ten-minute Calm sessions every day. This is great to disconnect from daily life and listen to your inner feelings. It’s a great practice session if you never tried mediation before.

You could also take a more traditional approach and book a meditation retreat. There are centres in most areas and you don’t necessarily have to travel far. Have a look around what fits your budget as there are classes you have to pay for but also offers that are free.
What are your favourite mindful activity ideas? Share them in the comments below.